It’s an “A Day in The Life” post from Carolyn! Wahoo!
Some of my favorite blog posts I’ve ever read are the ones by moms who lay out the timeline of what a typical day in their life looks like. The wonderful thing I’ve found in every post I read from...
View ArticleMama’s Little Helper: Things I’m convinced will save my life during and after...
…says the nesting-crazy 39 week pregnant woman. I get enough energy to launder and tidy –once– but the rest of my nesting is hoarding and stocking up on stuff like a hamster. Oh, good. Another post...
View ArticleYep.
Still pregnant! I’ve never been this impatient before. The reason for this is because on Holy Thursday round ’bouts 5pm, I began having true, blue, time-able contractions. The kind that start in my...
View Article…That was wildly mortifying. (Sorry, everyone, my mistake.)
Over the weekend, I discovered that my blog had been down for 4 days. I had it fixed, but the time it took to fix random lines of error codes left me discerning whether or not to continue to maintain...
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